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super structure中文是什么意思

用"super structure"造句"super structure"怎么读"super structure" in a sentence


  • 超级结构


  • Fea on interaction of super structure , raft foundation and ground base
  • Due to the vibration feedback from super structure , the motion of foundation is different from that of free field
  • Firstly , several main enterprises are selected as units of the network . then some new candidates are inducted into the super structure network
  • The steel - structure girder has been widely adopted as the super structure of extra - long span bridges , because of its hypertension , gigantic - stiffness , light - weight and convenience of construction as well
  • Then the unit models are combined into a super structure network model for mass integration . the network model includes matrices of data , environmental or economic constraints and objective functions
  • ( 2 ) also , we discuss how to set up a hydrogen network super structure and a optimization model of oil refineries . the advantage of the super structure is considering suppliers , consumers , purifier , compressors , pipes and pressure constraints , and connecting all possible links from sources to sinks
    ( 2 )本文讨论了炼油厂氢网络子系统超结构的构建和优化方法,综合考虑了氢系统的供氢装置、耗氢装置、提纯装置、压缩机、管网,以及系统压力的约束条件,建立了所有可能的氢源与氢阱之间的连接。
用"super structure"造句  


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